4-11-2020 本堂的話–我們回到信仰的起點




在聖灰節2月26日的彌撒中,我們為受新冠狀病毒感染的中國人民祈禱。當時,這是我們只在新聞中得知的病毒, 4月12日(復活節主日),我們將慶祝復活節並且為我們自己和家人祈禱,因為那只病毒現在就在我們家門口,誰也料想不到事情發生演變地如此神速,這也提醒了我們,人生無常、世事難料,在我們的生活中隨時可能會發生巨大變化,生命是那麼的脆弱。在過去的幾個星期裡,可怕而合理的問題在我們的腦海中閃過:「天主在生我們的氣嗎?這是世界末日嗎?」 



我們天主教教會最開始源自於一個家庭的聚會,讓我們默想一下—-最後的晚餐,耶穌和他的朋友們在家用餐,我們在宗徒大事錄第二章46-47節中讀到,宗徒他們每天 同 心 合 意 恆 切 的 在 殿 裡 , 且 在 家 中 擘 餅 , 存 著 歡 喜 、 誠 實 的 心 用 飯。巧合的是今年疫情的情況,使我們大家回到了信仰的起點,回到了自己的家中。 



本堂神父Fr. John & 副本堂劉振田神父  敬上

We are Back to the Beginning of our Faith

 4-11-2020 Easter Vigil

Dear STA parishioners and friends,

On Ash Wednesday, February 26th, we prayed for the people in China who were affected by the Coronavirus.  At the time, it was a virus we only read about in the news.  This Sunday, April 12th, we will be celebrating Easter and praying for ourselves as well, because the virus is now at our doorstep.  This fast change of events is a reminder that our lives can change so drastically and that our life is fragile.  In the past few weeks, scary but legitimate questions have flashed through our minds:  Is God mad at us? Is this the end of the world?

Easter is a time of hope and resurrection.  In a time of confinement, we have the opportunity to spend more time with our family members.  The time we spend with each other every day is as unique as the time Jesus spends with us.  Let us bring this message of hope to our home.  Let us put our trust in Jesus and know that God has not abandoned us. 

In this changeling time, we bring the place of worship to our home.  Thank God for the human brain, through technology, we now celebrate Mass not only with our St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, but with many friends located in different parts of the country and the world.  In the past two Sundays, I have been informed that friends and families have logged on to our Mass from as far as Sydney Australia, Anguilla in the Caribbean, Florida, Switzerland, Hawaii, and other places. In a way we are again reminded of the universal Church whom we really are. 

We are a Church that started originally in a home.  Think about the Last Supper. Jesus was at home with his friends.  We read in Acts 2:46-47 that every day the apostles devoted themselves to breaking bread in their homes.  This year, interestingly, the virus situation is bringing us back to the beginning of our faith, to our own homes. 

Much appreciation goes to the parish staff who have continued to reach out to our parishioners during this difficult time, by corresponding with them and sending them our parish liturgy updates.  We also give thanks to the many parishioners who have brought food for Fr. Justin and myself, and also to check on us to make sure that we are alright.  God bless you all and Happy Easter. 

Fr. John and Fr. Justin

This entry was posted on 2020年4 月9日, in 活動. Bookmark the permalink.