親愛的STA教友們: 來自本堂的話
從2020年4月6日(星期一) 我們開始進入了聖週,請參閱以下為聖週的時間表:
4月9日(聖週四),我們將慶祝主晚餐的彌撒(見下頁直播彌撒的時間表), 在這次彌撒期間,我將邀請大家參加–「教友居家洗足禮」:
◎ 我們將從祈禱十字架的站開始。
◎ 然後,我們將有二個讀經,之後是恭誦「耶穌受難史」,接著有短暫的省察反思。
◎ 隨後我們將為我們的需求以及世界其他國家的需求祈禱。
◎ 信友禱詞之後,我們將花一點時間在每個家庭中進行十字架的敬拜,請在家準備一個或多個十字架,供您的家人一起奉獻。此後,我們將進行聖餐的祈禱,然後進行結束禱告。
我們將在教堂點燃復活節的蠟燭, 我們將聆聽復活宣報。
其次是三個讀經和福音。 然後是講道, 之後彌撒將如往常進行。
4月 12日主日,復活節主日彌撒
聖 週 Zoom App直播時間表
西班牙語7:00 PM-相同的西班牙大眾鏈接https://us04web.zoom.us/j/912501465
中文晚上8:30 PM-相同中文的大眾鏈接https://zoom.us/j/3901142241
晚上9:30- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8015764421
會議ID:801 576 4421
英語:12 PM-相同的英語Mass鏈接https://us04web.zoom.us/j/311575271
中文:晚上8:30 PM-相同中文鏈接https://zoom.us/j/3901142241
英文彌撒9 AM- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/311575271
西班牙彌撒10 AM- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/912501465
中文彌撒11 AM- https://zoom.us/j/3901142241
在聖週之後,我們將進入復活和新生命的開始,我們將遇到戰勝恐懼並賜予我們生命的耶穌。 通過復活,超越了耶穌門徒的恐懼而消失。 取而代之的是一座新教堂。
聖湯瑪斯堂 本堂神父Fr. John Kyebasuuta
Dear STA Parishioners,
We started Holy Week on Monday, April 6, 2020. Please see the following schedule for Masses and Adoration.
On Holy Thursday, April 9, we shall celebrate the Mass of the Lord’s Supper (See Mass and Adoration schedules on the next page). During this Mass, I will invite all of you to participate in the washing of the feet in your own home.
After the Gospel and the homily, I will ask every family to take some time to wash each other’s feet. Children may wash the feet of their parents, siblings, grandparents, and parents can wash the feet of their children and those in their own home. You may set up different feet washing stations so that we can all do the washing in a relatively short time.
This is a blessing and an act of grace where we will be able to renew our dedication to each other by a simple and humbling act of washing the feet of the others.
In order to get ready for this ceremony, please prepare for use during the Mass, a pitcher of warm water, basins, or large containers big enough for you to put in your feet, and some towels to dry your feet.
On Good Friday, April 10th, with our clean feet, we shall join the Passion of Christ, and journey with him to the ultimate sacrifice of his death on the cross.
- We shall start with praying the Stations of the Cross.
- Then we shall do two readings, followed by the long gospel of the passion.
- After the passion, there will be a short gospel reflection.
- Followed by General intercessions where we will pray for our needs and the needs of others throughout the world.
- After these prayers, we shall take a moment to do the veneration of the Cross, each in our home. Please prepare a cross or crosses at home for your family to do this devotion together.
- After this we shall have our prayer of Spiritual communion, followed by a closing prayer.
On Saturday, April 11th, Easter Vigil Mass
We shall have the lighting of the Easter candle at the Church via zoom.
- We will listen to the Exsultet.
- Followed by three readings and the gospel. Then Homily.
- The rest of the Mass will follow as usual.
Holy Thursday Mass:
English: 5:30 PM- Same English Mass link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/311575271
Spanish 7:00 PM- Same Spanish Mass Link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/912501465
Chinese 8:30 PM- Same Chinese Mass Link https://zoom.us/j/3901142241
Holy Thursday Adoration
9:30 PM- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/8015764421
Meeting ID: 801 576 4421
Good Friday, we will start with Stations of the Cross:
English: 12 PM- Same English Mass link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/311575271
Spanish: 3 PM- Same Spanish Mass Link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/912501465
Chinese: 5 PM- Same Chinese Mass Link https://zoom.us/j/3901142241
Saturday at the Easter Vigil Mass
English: 5:30 PM- Same English Mass link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/311575271
Spanish: 7:00 PM- Same Spanish Mass link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/912501465
Chinese: 8:30 PM- Same Chinese Mass link https://zoom.us/j/3901142241
On Sunday, Easter will be celebrated as a regular Sunday Mass.
All Sunday Masses will be celebrated as scheduled below until further notice.
English Mass 9 AM- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/311575271
Meeting ID: 311 575 271
Spanish Mass 10 AM- https://us04web.zoom.us/j/912501465
Meeting ID: 912 501 465
Chinese Mass 11 AM- https://zoom.us/j/3901142241
After Holy Week, we shall enter the paschal mystery of the resurrection and new life. We shall encounter Jesus who conquered fear and gave us life. It is through the resurrection that the fear that had overtaken the disciples of Jesus was washed away. In its place, a new church was born.
At a later time, when this virus situation is behind us, and when we are able to return to church, we shall welcome and baptize those who have been preparing to fully participate in the life of the church.
May God continue to bless us during this challenging time.
Fr. John, Pastor
St. Thomas Aquinas Church